Laws In Space featuring South Texas Faculty and 2010 Alum

Two of our librarians, Jessica Alexander and Adreinne Cobb, had a great time at Houston Bar Association's annual production of Night Court, "a parody of pop culture, current events, politics, and the legal profession." This year's theme was Laws in Space, and it featured our very own Dean Helen Jenkins (aka Padme Amidala), and 2010 South Texas graduate, Darryl Scott (aka Darth Vader). Dean Guter and his wife, Pat Guter, were also in attendance, along with James Goodwille Pierre, South Texas class of 2006, and Hayes Jenkins, Princess Amidala's husband. Jessica and Adrienne had a great time as you can see. They were the show's number one groupies!

Click here for a slide show and a special message from Darth Vader: