General Meeting and Elections

We'll be having a general meeting to hold elections for next year's executive board on Wednesday, April 6. We've got Room 501 from 4:30-5:45, but don't feel like you can't take part if you can't be present the whole time.

For next year, we'll be returning to the format of President and Vice-President rather than having Co-Chairs. There will also be a Secretary and Treasurer, as in the past.

As you may know, one of our current Co-Chairs, Spencer Jenkins, is Editor in Chief of the Law Review for next year, so he will be stepping out of the running for the OUTLaws executive board for next year.

Our other current Co-Chair, Casey Smith, is running for Vice-President for next year.

I'll be running for President for the coming year, which leaves my current Secretary post open.

Chris Reamer, our current Treasurer, may be away first semester next year. She has offered her assistance if she is here, and definitely in the second semester, but we do need someone to run for the post.

Any and all OUTLaws members are welcome to put their names in the running for any of these four posts. Please contact me or any of the current board members if you want to run or have any questions. If anyone cannot attend but wishes to vote or run, please let me know and we will make accomodations for absentee voting and to have statements posted/read for absentee candidates.
UPDATE (3/30/05 4:48 pm): Terri Harkins has put her name in the ring for the Secretary post on the board for next year. We still have an opening for Treasurer, and of course anyone is welcome to put their name in for any of the other positions.

Road Block for Atlanta

The gay couples hoping to gain family membership at the Druid Hills Golf Club in Atlanta have hit a major obstacle: the Georgia legislature has sent a bill to Governor Sonny Purdue which will:
  • Allow private clubs to exclude gays.
  • Nullify any portion of an ordinance which requires equal treatment of same-sex and married couples.
  • Bar munipalities from requiring organizations to offer domestic partner benefits to gay couples.
This will strip Atlanta's Human Relations Ordinance of its requirement that city-licensed businesses not discriminate against GLBT persons. Two members of the Druid Hills Golf Club had been relying on this ordinance in their efforts to include their partners in family memberships rather than having to purchase separate individual memberships.

In December Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin had imposed $500/day fines against the club for their noncompliance. The club immediately filed suit, and it is largely understood that this battle is what prompted the present anti-human rights state action.

Movie Night - The Wedding Banquet

OUTLaws and the Minority Students Association are cosponsoring a movie night this week, with a showing of Ang Lee's award-winning (and Academy Award and Golden Globe nominated) film The Wedding Banquet.

The event will be in Room 301 on Thursday, March 17, from 8-10 pm, and Chinese food will be served. All are welcome!