BAM! POW! Comic Books and the Law

Calling all comic book fans and those looking for a fun study break --
Two attorneys, James Daily and Ryan Davidson, who are both recent law school graduates, maintain a great blog called Law and the Multiverse where they explore the legal implications of various comic book scenarios and the behavior of comic book heroes and villains. Have you ever wondered:
  • Are mutants a protected class?
  • Who foots the bill when a hero damages property while fighting a villain?
  • What happens legally when a character comes back from the dead?
The authors use primary source material to support their discussions while considering issues such as sexual harassment in the workplace, as depicted in the recently-released Green Hornet movie, and comic book characters' use of social security numbers to hide their true identities and create alter egos. Fun stuff!
A good interview with this authors can be found here. Enjoy!