U.S. Constitution analyzed and interpreted

From the Government Documents department…

Spotlight on: The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation: Analysis of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the the United States

This annotated, one-volume edition of the Constitution is published every ten years, with biennial supplements published in the interim. The library has just received the 2008 supplement, and as I reviewed it, I discovered just how wonderful this source really is. Each article, section, and clause of the Constitution is presented, with annotations and commentary prepared by the editorial staff at the Library of Congress Constitutional Research Service. It is not a comprehensive treatment of all Supreme Court cases, but it does offer analysis of the most significant decisions, making it an excellent starting point for research on constitutional law. Be sure to browse the extensive index and the many tables included in the volume:

  • Proposed amendments not ratified by the States
  • Acts of Congress held unconstitutional in whole or in part by the Supreme Court of the United States
  • State constitutional or statutory provisions and municipal ordinances held unconstitutional or held to be preempted by federal law
  • Supreme Court decisions overruled by subsequent decisions
  • Table of Cases

Find this source on the fourth floor of the library at KF4527 U54 or online on GPOAccess.