Mind Mapping and Law School

Jessica R. Alexander, J.D., M.L.I.S., Reference Librarian

I am experimenting with a program I heard about called PersonalBrain. The concept is "mind mapping," or "visual knowledge management." I downloaded it at home and have painfully started to use it to organize my household activities and organization. I say painfully, because I hate to tackle mundane decisions about what clothes to donate, what items to trash, etc.

An individual user can download the program free of cost at http://www.thebrain.com/. It can be used on a Mac or a PC. I found an article on the program at http://www.llrx.com/columns/notes50.htm by Cindy Curling, titled, "Notes from the Technology Trenches - If You Only Had TheBrain: Mapping Your Thoughts With TheBrain Technology," from February, 2002. The program has been around for a while, but is now in a release called Beta 5.

Reply to this post if you download the brain and start using it for any law school purpose. I am betting that some students might find it useful in visualizing legal concepts associated with a course.