What a Law School Admission Consultant Can Do

I hate to hear stories about law school applicants who feel misled by law school admission consultants about their chances for law school admission. If you are going to invest in expert advice, it's important to work with someone who is candid with you from the very beginning. I thank Dennis Beaver, Esq. for asking me to respond to an article he wrote on how a law school admission counselor can (and cannot) help law school applicants navigate the admission process.

For more information about the ethical standards a graduate admission consultant should adhere to, learn more about AIGAC. Always check to see whether the person or company you're considering hiring is a member of this organization.

For my previous posts about considerations in hiring a law school admission consultant (which June LSAT takers usually do in June, July and August, and which October LSAT takers usually do in August, September, and October) see:

More information about the services I provide as a law school admission counselor is available at LawSchoolExpert.