Library Resources for Transactional Forms

Jessica R. Alexander, Reference Librarian

STELLAour online catalog is the starting point for finding transactional forms both in paper and online databases. Click on the STELLA link from either your STANLEY account or the library's home page. Begin with a Keyword search (one of your words should be “forms”). For precision add relevant key words such as contracts and construction. Click submit. Click the modify search button to use the Limit/Sort Search box. If the search is modified and limited to years after 1979 (randomly selected) more precise results are obtained. They represent the best sources for construction contract forms in the library. Practice searching from the keyword screen and modifying your search. A Subject search modified in the same manner will also be productive.

For more help in formulating your search ASK A REFERENCE LIBRARIAN!

This subscription database contains some of the most important resources for forms. Search online versions of the Texas Transaction Guide, Business Organizations with Tax Planning, Commercial Finance Guide, Construction Law, Computer Law and others. We have paper versions of many of the Texas and non-state specific items in the library. See the database lists on the library tab in STANLEY.