Crunch Time Again!

Jessica R. Alexander, Reference Librarian

At the reference desk I overhear conversations about upcoming exams and feel the tension in the air as students pass by. I can empathize, because I was there once. In the 1970's, it seems to me that law students were more naive about the implications of grades, job placement and salary (or I was just out of the loop.)

I am aware that studies about learning styles and techniques can be important information for exam takers. While browsing, I happened upon a blog (by a law professor) that pointed to a recent New York Times Op-Ed piece that I missed, "Tighten Your Belt, Strengthen Your Mind" by Sandra Aamodt and Sam Wang, published April 2, 2008. These two experts in neuroscience recommend conserving willpower for important tasks. They also recommend exercise as a way to build it. They are the authors of a book called “Welcome to Your Brain: Why You Lose Your Car Keys but Never Forget How to Drive and Other Puzzles of Everyday Life.”