4 Common Mistakes on Law School Applications

Here are 4 Mistakes I see people make on Law School Applications:

1. Making an essay fit to 2 pages by using 10 point font. Don't do this. Please. You want to encourage law school admission officers to read your essay and 10 point font isn't easy to read.

2. Picking an area of specialization without having any factual background or experience to back it up; it's just not credible. Better to not pick anything - law school is about exploring different facets of the law while learning to think like a lawyer. Keep an open mind.

3. Not checking how the application looks in pdf form - make sure sentences aren't chopped off.

4. Using a one-page resume when you should have a 2 page resume. Use the opportunity given to really explain how much you worked during college, what you accomplished as president of your sorority, and all of your significant volunteer experience, language skills, etc.