NESL OUTLaws Blog Mentioned in ABA's Student Lawyer Magazine

In the current edition of Student Lawyer magazine (Vol. 33, No. 4) is an article by Todd Chatman (a George Washington Law School 2L and author of Ambivalent Imbroglio) on blawgs (law related blogs). Included is a selection of blawgs, one of which is this very one. I'm familiar with most of the other blogs listed, and we should be quite proud to be included in such outstanding company! The article has also been published online at [link via Notes from the (Legal) Underground].

My fellow OUTLaws and I have been a little sporadic in posting this month, but perhaps this will be just the spark we need to renew our diligence.

Thanks Todd! And congrats to Denise at Michigan for being interviewed. You didn't get a link for your blog in the article, so here's one instead.