Florida Foster Parents

This week a gay couple won a suit to retain custody of two girls, after the state had attempted to overrule the foster placement agency's recommendation that the couple should be granted long-term custody. Over the years the two men have fostered 29 children, and had had particular success with this particular placement. One of the girls had been in 17 homes in two months, and had a history of emotional problems and violent outbursts. Since last year the children have both thrived, which led the agency to recommend the long-term placement. Florida law bars gay men or lesbians from adopting children, although they can be foster parents.

In ruling for the couple, Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge Irene Sullivan not only found in their favor, but heaped praise on them for their dedication and skill, and recommended them as role models for other foster parents. From 365Gay.com:
"In her ruling Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge Irene Sullivan denied the state motion to reopen the case saying that the state owes the two men "a debt of gratitude".

"I'm going to personally thank Dad and Daddy here, for in their way, stopping the cycle of abuse," Sullivan said. She even suggested the state use the men to train other foster parents. "It's not just love, it's love, experience, background, intelligence. They seem to have it all," Sullivan said of the couple."
The state is reviewing the ruling before deciding whether to appeal.

In related news, the Family Law Section of the Florida Bar Association is working to win over enough support from the other Sections to support an effort to lobby the Florida legislature to repeal the nation's only complete ban on adoption by gay adults.