Christian group to sponsor 'Day of Dialogue' about homosexuality [Associated Press / First Amendment Center, 11/13/10]: A conservative Christian group has announced that it will sponsor a school-outreach program to talk about sexual orientation. Focus on the Family of Colorado Springs says it will take over sponsorship of the former "Day of Truth," which has been co-sponsored since 2005 by Exodus International, a Christian group in Orlando, Fla. It has renamed the April observance "Day of Dialogue" and is promoting it as a day to talk about homosexuality in schools, not to decry gays.
School to student: Take U.S. flag off your bike [David L. Hudson in the First Amendment Center, 11/12/10]: Since when is honoring Veterans Day with the display of the American flag disruptive? That's a question facing school officials at Denair (Calif.) Middle School who reportedly prohibited a 13-year-old student from attaching an American flag on the back of his bicycle. What the Tinker ruling called 'undifferentiated fear' leads to censorship of expression on grounds of preventing racial tension.
Civil rights complaints focus on schools' compliance with Title IX [Christian Science Monitor, 11/11/10]: The National Women's Law Center filed civil rights complaints against 12 U.S. school districts Wednesday, claiming a disproportionately low number of female students are participating in athletics. The complaints are reportedly part of a campaign to raise awareness about Title IX, which prohibits gender discrimination in public schools. There is a "widespread pattern of schools failing to give girls as many chances as boys to play sports," an NWLC official said.
California mulls teacher report cards [Monterey Herald, 11/12/10]: The California State Board of Education took the first step Tuesday toward a process that will make it easier to include teacher and principal evaluations in the School Accountability Report Card, a one-page summary of school accomplishments published every year for each school.
Fensterwald: Paths to school finance reform [Educated Guess, 11/11/10]: The state’s system of funding K-12 schools is inadequate, inequitable and opaque.
California leads nation in charter school growth [Sacramento Bee, 11/10/10]: California led the nation in charter school growth this year, according to a report released today by The Center for Education Reform, a pro-charter group.
Brown wants to ax secretary of education position [California Watch, 11/10/10]: As part of his campaign pledge to "make government more efficient and effective," Gov.-elect Jerry Brown has promised to do away with the secretary of education position, a fixture in governors' cabinets since the early 1990s.
Schrag: Sticking it to the Schools Suck Industry [California Progress Report, 11/8/10]: John Mockler has rarely been timid in his opinions about education policy. But he’s never been more in-your-face than in his blasts at what he’s been calling “the California Schools Suck Industry” and the “statistical pornography” of the business groups, foundations, politicians and journalists who are its principal members.
Texas cheerleader suing - didn't root for attacker [San Francisco Chronicle, 11/7/10]: If you're a high school cheerleader, you cheer for the whole team. The stars and the scrubs. The nice guys and the jerks. But what about a player you've accused of raping you. A federal appeals court ruled against a Texas high school cheerleader who was kicked off the squad after refusing to encourage her alleged attacker.
Teacher suspended over alleged teacher to student bullying incident [Detroit News, 11/8/10]: Dozens of students and community members are expected to pack a Howell school board meeting tonight to protest the two-day suspension of a high school teacher who was disciplined over a free speech issue. This was the teacher who was suspended for two days by school district officials after he disciplined two students who said they could not accept homosexuals because of their religious beliefs.
Influence of teachers unions in question [Los Angeles Times, 11/7/10]: The groups have been slow to come to terms with the push for reform. Some see them as obstacles to change, and even union sympathizers agree that their voice in the education debate has been muted.
La Habra teachers will vote on strike Tuesday, union says [Orange County Register, 11/6/10]: Teachers in the La Habra City School District will vote Tuesday evening on whether to authorize a strike after the district imposed a contract that includes permanent salary reductions and benefit caps, the teachers' union president said Friday. The fact-finding report is available.
In Schools’ Efforts to End Bullying, Some See Agenda [New York Times, 11/6/10]: Alarmed by evidence that gay and lesbian students are common victims of schoolyard bullies, many school districts are bolstering their antiharassment rules with early lessons in tolerance, explaining that some children have “two moms” or will grow up to love members of the same sex. But such efforts to teach acceptance of homosexuality, which have gained urgency after several well-publicized suicides by gay teenagers, are provoking new culture wars in some communities.
California Court of Appeal, in split decision, rules in favor of school district in negligent hiring case involving high school counselor
C.A. v. William S. Hart Union High Sch. Dist. (CA 2nd district, 11/5/10): C.A., a minor student, filed a complaint naming as defendants a public high school, the school district, and an individual guidance counselor. The complaint alleged many causes of action, including negligence, negligent supervision, negligent hiring on behalf of the District and sexual battery, assault, and sexual harassment by the counselor. The student alleged that the District “knew that [the guidance counselor] had engaged in unlawful sexually-related conduct with minors in the past, and/or was continuing to engage in such conduct,” but failed to take reasonable steps to prevent further unlawful sexual conduct by the guidance counselor. The District demurred, and the trial court agreed with the District that there were no code sections to which the public District could be held responsible as the counselor behavior, as alleged, was outside the scope of her employment. Also, “[o]n the sexual harassment, Civil Code [sections] 51.9 and 52.4 don‘t provide a statutory basis for those kind [sic] of claims against a public entity.”
C.A. then appealed and the Court of Appeal affirmed the trial court decision. The Court of Appeal ruled that:
1. The facts alleged in the complaint do not support the vicarious liability of the School District.
2. No statute allows a direct action for negligence against the School District.
3. No mandatory duty subjects the School District to liability.
4. C.A.’s other causes of action also fail to state a claim.
However, the decision was not unanimous, and in a dissent it was opined that the Court of Appeal should clearly say that “the school district may be liable for breaching its duty to protect students from physical harm.” “Although the school district cannot be held liable for the intentional misconduct of the guidance counselor, it may be liable through respondeat superior for the negligence of other employees who were responsible for hiring, supervising, training, or retaining her.” The dissent argued that “[u]nder the Dailey-Hoyem-Randi W. trilogy, a school employee may be held personally liable for his or her negligence in failing to supervise students adequately, and the school district may be vicariously liable for the employee‘s negligence.”
To read the entire decision, go to:
Elverta School Board Moves to Oust Superintendent [Sacramento Bee, 11/5/10]: The Elverta Joint Elementary School District board voted 4-0 Thursday night to initiate dismissal proceedings against Superintendent Elizabeth Golchert over allegations that duct tape was placed over a student's mouth. The dismissal action came despite protests from the student's father, who voiced nothing but support for Golchert.
Fensterwald: Most parcel taxes defeated this week [Educated Guess, 11/5/10]: California voters continue to be generous when it comes to renovating and building schools. But at least in the latest election, they refused to spend any more money running them.
See the California School Board Association’s chart for all school bond and parcel tax elections.
See Rich Kitchens’ chart on this website which covers only parcel taxes:
Fensterwald: Listen up, Jerry Brown; here’s good advice [Educated Guess, 11/4/10]: The current governor has not suffered for lack of good advice on education policy. There’s the 23-study Getting Down to Facts, assembled by an institute at Stanford at his encouragement, followed by extensive findings of his Committee on Education Excellence, which he appointed. There is part one, and part two.
Torlakson leads in state Superintendent of Public Instruction race [Contra Costa Times, 11/3/10]: Elections returns show Assemblyman Tom Torlakson, D-Pittsburg, holding his lead over retired Administrator Larry Aceves in the race for California Superintendent of Public Instruction. With 97% of precincts reporting, as of 11/03 at 9:22a.m., it looked like this:
Tom Torlakson: 54.6%
Larry Aceves: 45.5%
High Court to Weigh 'Miranda' Rights of Juveniles at School [SchoolLaw Blog, 11/1/10]: The U.S. Supreme Court agreed today to consider whether a juvenile burglary suspect who was interrogated at school by the police should have been given a Miranda warning about his rights.
SF school district goes after residency cheats
[San Francisco Chronicle, 11/1/10]: Liars beware. Assisted by an arsenal of private investigators and public databases, San Francisco school district officials have spent the last seven months cracking down on out-of-town address cheats, identifying 200 students who lied about where they live to get into city schools.
Kerchner: Negotiate student achievement goals into teachers’ contracts [Thoughts on Public Education blog, 10/29/10]: Collective bargaining lends itself to lots of different conversations, but it’s hard to talk about what matters most: how spending money will or won’t make education better.
Fighting Bullying With Lawsuits [The Connecticut Law Tribune, 10/29/10]: 10/29/10: Nationally, lawsuits related to bullying are popping up every month, with many filed by parents against school districts for allegedly turning a blind eye. Attorney Alyce Alfano says often bullying concerns are settled just by bringing the two parties together before a lawsuit is needed.
Study: Half of high school students admit to bullying [CNN, 10/27/10]: Half of all high school students say they have bullied someone in the past year, with nearly as many saying they have been the victims of bullying, according to a new study released this week.
Bullying Based on Sexual Orientation May Violate Civil Rights, U.S. Ed. Dept. Warns [Education Week / New York Times, 10/26/10]: Certain types of harassment rooted in sexual orientation or religious differences may be a federal civil rights violation, even though members of those groups are not specifically protected in federal law, according to new guidance released today by the U.S. Dept. of Education's office of civil rights.
You can read the "Dear Colleague Letter" from the OCR (10/26/10).
You can read the New York Times’ article (10/26/10).
Oxnard teachers union files complaint over blocked e-mail [Ventura County Star, 10/26/10]: Oxnard Federation of Teachers officials filed a complaint Monday against the Oxnard Union High School District after they said their access to the district e-mail system was unfairly terminated.
Despite capital region layoffs, a teacher shortage looms [Sacramento Bee, 10/26/10]: Even as laid-off teachers scour job ads, education experts say school districts are likely to face a massive teacher shortage when the economy recovers.
Court: No Teacher Speech Rights on Curriculum [School Law Blog, 10/21/10]: Teachers have no First Amendment free-speech protection for curricular decisions they make in the classroom, a federal appeals court ruled on Thursday."Only the school board has ultimate responsibility for what goes on in the classroom, legitimately giving it a say over what teachers may (or may not) teach in the classroom," the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, in Cincinnati, said in its opinion.
The case is Evans-Marshall v. Board of Education of the Tipp City Exempted Village School District.
Read the Education Week (11/16/05) story.
Jury exonerates defendants in Sac City Unified pension case [Sacramento Bee, 10/19/10]: A Sacramento County civil jury on Monday exonerated the pension consultant and lawyers who advised the Sacramento City Unified School District during creation of a now dismantled pension plan for administrators.
Fensterwald: Superman’s Emily states her case for choice [Thoughts on Public Ed, 10/19/10]: Emily Jones was speaking only for herself. She and her mother, Ann, made that clear.
You can read a response to the "Superman" film, delivered at the annual gala honoring the 2010 state and 2011 MetLife/NASSP National Principals of the Year, October 1, 2010. NASSP Principal of the Year ceremony in Washington, D.C., by NASSP Executive Director Tirozzi.
Hanushek: Unions fighting a phony ‘war on teachers’ [TopEd, 10/19/10]: No longer is education reform an issue of liberals vs. conservatives. In Washington, the Obama administration’s Race to the Top program rewarded states for making significant policy changes such as supporting charter schools.
Justices Decline Case on Teacher's Grievance [School Law Blog, 10/18/10]: The U.S. Supreme Court today declined to hear the appeal of a New York City teacher who claims he was retaliated against and ultimately fired for his complaints about administrators' alleged failure to discipline students who threw books at him in class.
Sunday Perspective: Why aren't our teachers the best and the brightest? [Contra Costa Times, 10/17/10]: People trying to improve education in this country have been talking a lot lately about boosting "teacher effectiveness." But nearly all such efforts focus on the teachers who are already in the classroom, instead of seeking to change the caliber of the people who enter teaching in the first place.
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