On the website for 2008-2009 Presidential Transition Resources, the following is noted:
The Presidential Transition Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-293) authorizes the General Services Administration (GSA) to develop a transition directory in consultation with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The Act provides that the transition directory "shall be a compilation of Federal publications and materials with supplementary materials developed by the Administrator that provides information on the officers, organization, and statutory and administrative authorities, functions, duties, responsibilities, and mission of each department and agency." Senate Report 106-348 clarifies that the directory is intended to "assist in navigating the many responsibilities that fall on a new administration" that is "confronted by an overwhelming amount of material."
Among other resources, this site includes organizational charts, a guide to inauguration events, and links to important government documents regarding leadership, recordkeeping, and national security. Two sources are worth special mention: The Plum Book and The Prune Book.
The Plum Book (a.k.a the United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions) is published every four years by the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs and the House Committee on Government Reform. It lists more than 7,000 federal civil service leadership and support positions in the legislative and executive branches and is used to identify presidentially appointed positions within the Federal Government. This reference tool will keep you informed about the various positions our new president will be required to fill in the coming months, including agency heads, policy advisors, and members of the cabinet.
The Prune Book, published by the Council for Excellence in Government, is also designed for use during the transition to a new presidential administration. It profiles the toughest management jobs in the federal government and is “written specifically to equip the incoming presidential administration with insights into staffing the key appointed positions.” A related resource, A Survivor’s Guide for Presidential Nominees, is a handbook for those who aspire to work in the new administration or those who have been nominated for federal positions. It is designed to answer all your questions regarding “nomination and clearance, Senate confirmation, and compliance with ethics laws and financial disclosure rules.” If you’re selected to work for President Obama, this is the source to consult when making your decision to accept or decline the position.
Change.gov is another good source for information about the transition period. This website will keep you up-to-date on latest news, events, and announcements as America ushers in the new Obama-Biden administration.