Over 63,547 of you visited the Law School Expert blog 93,719 times. WOW. Thank you. I love how many of you left comments and sent me e-mails about how the blog has helped you through the law school admission process.
I'd like to share with you my favorite posts from this year: (There were 122 posts, so choosing them proved difficult)
January: The benefits of attending law school part time. and 5 Things You Can Do To Be Admitted Off the Waitlisted
February: Law School Discussion Driving You Crazy
October: Are You Suffering From Application Panic Syndrome? (my personal favorite post of the year!)
November: Mistakes to Avoid in Law School Applications (with a whopping 32 comments!)
December: How Binding is Binding Early Decision?
Thanks so much for the great inspiration - many of my topics come from questions and comments posted to the blog and things that my law school admission consulting clients express concern regarding.
Wishing you all a wonderful and happy New Year in 2009.