Should You Re-Take the LSAT

Ok, LSAT scores are out. (Boy, am I glad I was right about that early release! Phew!).

So, you're either ready to go ahead and put together your schools list and apply to law schools or else you're agonizing about the pros and cons of re-taking the exam in December. (or both!)

I know what you're worried about:

1. You're concerned about rolling admissions and taking advantage of applying early.

2. You're concerned about the likelihood of actually improving your score enough to make it worthwhile.

3. You don't know which schools will average multiple scores and which rely on the higher score.

4. You don't know how to explain away this score in an addendum.

5. You're freaked out about spending more time and money on this #@@!*&$^@ing test.

So, what advice is the wise "LawSchoolExpert" lady going to give you tonight?
First, relax. You're exhausted from the anticipation and anxiety. Your score might look better to you in the morning.

Then, once you've taken a deep breath and gotten some sleep (or had a few drinks, whatever works for you : ), check out this post I wrote last year about the decision whether to retake the LSAT in December.

Some peppy news:
1. I had an a client who re-took the LSAT in December when his original score was a 167, got a 171 and is now at NYU Law School.
2. I had a client last year who jumped from a 157 to a 164 to a 173.

Some realistic news:
1. I had a client last year whom I thought should not retake the LSAT but she insisted and got the exact same score as her original. She is at a Top 20 law school, by the way, despite her LSAT being way below its 25th percentile.

What does this tell you? It means you have to know yourself. You have to analyze the likelihood of having a different (and better) result. And you are way too exhausted to make that call tonight, so get some rest and call me in the morning. I'll be here.

And, yes, I am still accepting clients for Fall 2009 admission...