I want to thank one of my former clients, now a 1L at a top law school, who has been sending me pithy little stories about her first few weeks of law school. I thought my readers would get a kick out of the e-mail she sent me today (S- thanks for letting me share it! I think it shows that the Socratic Method isn't quite as scary as law school applicants believe....)
Things my Contracts professor actually said in class last week:
"If you say President Bush is competent, you are wrong. If you say President Bush will do something right, and clearly he doesn't (because he can't), did you break a promise?""Raise your hand if you think what the defendant did was wrong. Ahhh, all the social workers."
"Katie, Mary...these are all lovely names. I thought people in your generation all had atrocious names like Tiffany."
"Drinking champagne at dinner is nice, but making your own Jager Bomb at home is just sad."