Jessica Alexander, J.D., M.L.I.S., Reference Librarian
Blogs have exploded. Authors include famous people and your best friend. During the next two months election news and discussions will be published at a feverish pace. It could even be said that blogging will influence the outcome of the election. As opposed to an opinion-editorial (op-ed) piece in a newspaper, a blog is published daily on line and usually allows feedback by the public.Here are a few suggestions for deciding which political blogs to follow?
1. Google - pull down the "More" button on the main page and select blogs; there is an advanced search option in the blog search engine.
3. What are your favorite political magazines, the National Review, The Nation, U.S. News and World Report, The New Yorker, The Economist, Mother Jones... Peruse their web pages and there will be a list of bloggers who contribute to those magazines.