Study on Don't Ask, Don't Tell

A new study has been released on GLB (no mention of T) military personnel serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. More information here. The study, published by UCLA's Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military, is titled "Gays and Lesbians at War: Military Service in Iraq and Afghanistan Under 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell, '" can be found here.

The study was announced last week, and now additional reaction is starting to be published. This article mentions that the author and one of the subjects (former Army Ranger Brian Hughes) met with congressional staff in Washington this week to discuss Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

DOD spokesman Army Lt. Col. Joe Richardson criticizes the findings of the study, stating that the study is based on anectdotal reports, and that the DOD has not heard any criticism as is mentioned in the study. He believes that Don't Ask, Don't Tell works as intended. If the intention was to keep skilled personnel out of the military, and to impair the functioning of skilled personnel who are in the military, then yeah, I guess it's working as intended.