South African Airline Discrimination Case Tossed

Last October NESL OUTLaws posted about a discrimination case being brought against British Airways based on an incident that started when he kissed his partner during the flight.

After that post, British Airways had the case dismissed on the grounds that the suit was based on the Warsaw Conventions, which only apply to cases of death or serious injury. The plaintiff has appealed, and has lost again. He was given the option to amend his claim to be grounded on a different premise, however.

Out in the Workplace

The various LGBT student groups from Massachusetts law schools and the Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Bar Association are presenting a workshop: "Out in the Workplace: A Workshop for Law Students and New Lawyers" on Tuesday, February 1st at 6:00 pm at Suffolk University Law School. Here's the official announcement:


Tuesday, February 1, 2005 at 6:00pm, Suffolk University Law School, First Floor Function Room.

Come listen to a panel of distinguished guests speak about the issues(and non-issues) of being out in the workplace. Law students and newlawyers are encouraged to attend. Guests will include:

Directly afterward, the Massachusetts Lesbian and Gay Bar Association will host a social event at Silvertone Bar and Grill. This event was organized by queer student organizations from several Massachusetts law schools in conjunction with MLGBA.

Arline Isaacson Speaking at NESL

Arline Isaacson, co-chair of the Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus, will be speaking at New England School of Law this coming Tuesday, January 25, at 6:00 pm in the Cherry Room.

Come hear one of Boston’s leading lobbyists, who will share insight about her work on Beacon Hill, and will field your questions about Goodridge, the proposed constitutional amendment, life as a lobbyist and her predictions for the coming months.

The topics will include her experiences as a political lobbyist during the 2004 Massachusetts Constitutional Convention and about what is to come at the 2005 Convention.

Adoption: Good News, Bad News (Maybe)

Two Supreme Court actions today regarding adoption by gay men and lesbians.

First, the good news. Israel's Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in a case involving a lesbian couple that each partner may legally adopt the other's children. The couple have three children through in vitro fertilization. From the decision:
"The need to provide the children and the family unit in which they are growing up a legal framework, fits the court's obligation to create social norms and stand strongly against the intolerance of parts of society toward those who are different," said Justice Saviona Rotlevi, writing for the majority.

Now for the bad news (maybe). The United States Supreme Court declined without comment an appeal challenging Florida's blanket bank on adoption by gay men and lesbians. Previously a 3-judge panel (including controversial Bush recess appointee Judge William Pryor) on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the ban, and the full Court of Appeals declined to review the panel decision.

So the ban remains in place in Florida. However, I would say that I'd rather have the Supreme Court hold off for a while and perhaps improve the chances of success for those challenging the ban than to have the Supreme Court hear the case and likely issue an opinion supporting the current Florida law.